Thanks for sharing. Yep, I've given up trying to talk to many people about deep subjects. Just stick to the weather, movies, music etc 🤣
I should say that I usually do not bring up these kinds of topics but if they do I gently feel them out. Most people are really just trying make conversation vs. truly being interested in exploring. The worst though are the people that think they are "informed" and are literally just parrots repeating what some media personality shills.
If I sense there is something deeper there to them I will ask a few questions. Many folks are just second-handers as Ayn Rand called them.
That's so true! just making conversation lol I've been in situations where people say a few things and I mistakenly think they are not stupid and I start going deeper. The look of sheer panic in their face! That's when I realise they were just making small talk hehe And then there are just those who want to go slightly deeper but not too deep, just to have a mildly interesting convo' not to actually take it anywhere significant.