Good try, but how does it manifest itself in your daily life and behaviour?
I ain't gonna let you off this mighty-fine hook that easily.
I'm not sure if I understand. Could you give an example of what you want to know?
If I understand correctly, for example, admitting mistakes is being humble. Being humble helps a lot in interpersonal relationships, etc.
Well, what do you do in your daily live to stay humble?
  • celebrate others successes;
  • appreciate others contributions;
  • respect people;
  • be aware of my limitations;
  • listen to others;
  • etc
Fine, I'll let you off the hook then.
What was the purpose of this inquiry? CIA ? 🤠
Seeing how you operate under pressure.
Or maybe i'm just trying to sort-out who'd be a good fit for my humanistic-cult... Would you be open for it?
Is this pressure ? Yee-Haw 🤠
Or maybe i'm just trying to sort-out who'd be a good fit for my humanistic-cult... Would you be open for it?
Oh, no !