People love badges. I really like what did in that regard:
I guess @k00b could rake in a lot of donations with just a "generous" badge alone.
I'm a huge fan of the Value 4 Value model. I'd love to see features that mainly revolve around that (which is what SN already is, basically).
Some more-or-less crazy ideas:
  • Support for "medium-style" posts. Think: Y'alls, but instead of paywalls encourage v4v. I think the only paywalls that make sense are "crowdwalls", i.e. cumulative paywalls. If a certain threshold is hit, it's free for everyone.
  • This could work for image posts as well. Think: Satoshi's Place, but instead of drawing, you reveal the image "pixel by pixel" for everyone.
  • Integrate v4v streaming for podcasts and clips directly into the platform. Stream sats directly from your SN wallet.
Not sure if all of it makes sense. Most things I'm thinking about are probably more in the fun proof-of-concept category.
With all that said, I think SN is already amazing and it doesn't really lack anything. The most important thing is stickiness and getting quality people. Most other things are window dressing. We'll see how everything evolves.
These are great ideas! While little novelties, they'll help us attract more usage