Why are you even bringing up shitcoins? This is a discussion about storing bitcoin.
There are countless people who start with Bitcoin and diversify to other coins. This has been tied to the traditional means of diversifying that you referred to about not having all you eggs in one basket. I advise against 💩 coins and diversifying to them.
Was proving a point!
Great point! I certainly did not mean to imply diversifying bitcoin with shitcoins, ha ha.
My personal experience (major hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes) says have enough fiat, fuel, water, dry food, and ammo to last 2-3 weeks with no grid/cell/internet. During Katrina we had to defend (but also share with neighbors) within 4 days when people's freezers thawed. Grocery stores were emptied before the storm hit.
I know you didn’t. Just want to make sure we teach anyone else reading this.