Yesterday I started my first thread, likening my (lack of) understanding and megalophobia of sourdough to my (lack of) understanding and megalophobia of bitcoin/sats. And what happened? It produced a few sats, which in turn produced a little less understanding and a little more paranoia.
I am here to continue the parallels of the analogy:
**First, the Sats **I put out a discussion thread and it got me sats. Others commented on it, and that got them sats. Some commented on their comments, and that produced the original commenter and myself some sats. There was the initial cost of sats, to be sure, but we all made out in the positive.
**Next, the Sourdough **Someone places a sourdough starter out on the front porch. I have no idea if that is good for starter, but bare with me anyway. Passersby take little piece of it for their own, only after feeding mine some flower and salt. Again, I'm just guessing this is how it works. They place their new starter on their porch, where others can take a bit and feed theirs.
Where this falls analogy fals flat is that in the sourdough economy, the most recent new owner of a starter doesn't end up back at my porch to feed my starter too.
To add to my megalophobic concerns, I now have ethical consideration.
If sourdough starter is going to be passed around, and it started with me, I'm going to want to make sure it's top quality stuff (you know, fluffy and what-have-you). When creating something with such raw growth potential, should I take caution that it's actually something of value?
If that same concern is valid regarding my discussion posts, then--dang!--I'm going to have to give these some serious thought before I click "post." Do any you have a standard of value you place on yourself before you post, before you comment even?
You have nothing to worry about so far. Strong out of the gate. You will probably put pressure on yourself to maintain the standards you have set, but if you start churning out crap you'll know it. The sats coming in will dry up. For what it's worth, I look forward to your next offering.
That's definitely worth something. Thank you!