fully autonomous drone swarms.
the risk is incalculable and the potential threat to human civilization is greater than even nuclear weapons in my opinion. also… its almost here. we are one battery power breakthrough away.
You make me feel uneasy, fellow Stackie.
I don't mean to. Some sats for your worries.
I think its unfortunate this isn't getting more attention. Nuclear tech has barriers to entry that make it "easy" to gatekeep.
These things are gonna be built with 8+ year old cellphone parts and will cost $2 each on Aliexpress.
Thanks, but i'd appreciate some more comforting words, too.
Also, can we get some additional info on the pic?
While the batteries in the picture and article are low power/long life batteries, it's only a matter of time before the Wh/kg of battery tech reaches a point these drone swarms become feasible.
On the bright side there's money to be made developing personal low-range EMPs or similar for defence, but that's another can of worms.
Hmm, promising, but I think in order to really "use" those, one would have to increase their size -> capacity, which would come at a hefty price tag.