Hard to tell, Robots + AI could be it, maybe the computational power will overcome our best brains, and we might just become slaves, but I think that there will be a time where we will consider these robots entities with equal rights and we will work together even though they will do things we can't or won't but we will cooperate. Also an advantage of humans is impredictability, we can think outside of the box, adapt to all different conditions, the randomness of our genetics+environment gives us an edge against AI I think.
You're talking about modern-day humans like they are the same as our ancestors from 30 000 years ago - I think modern-day humans aren't all that capable without the fancy toys of the last 200 years.
We are mostly the same. We have the advantage of being born as a clean slate, which means that in difficult environments new generations adapt to environment and control it, we live in good times now, but we can still see human engenuity in many ways.