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Sleepy Tuesday. I woke up a little late, and this morning is a big outdoor chore day. Lucky for me it warmed up last night and it's slightly above freezing. T shirts and shorts weather.
For you: Lightning meetup at Pubkey in NYC on Thursday https://www.meetup.com/pubkey-meetups/events/298205574/
Thanks. I get the meet ups emailed to me. I would really like to try to be there Thursday. It's been a while. It really is a great place. We're lucky to have it.
Please tell me you’ve been wearing a stealth cowboy hat, under all those extra layers
Ahh! Your territory has reminded me that at times I'm a little lax.
Shorts?!?? My legs won’t be coming out till July at the earliest.
Just kidding. I'm wearing about 8 layers.
Thank goodness. I was thinking you need a jacket …. that does up at the back! Lol