Hello there, From my understanding security is a major point but also you want to consider the $$$ factor. Increasing the block size decreases the blockspace scarcity and therefor the subsidy / tx for the miners. The idea of increasing the block size was to lower the fees for transactioners. But in a near future, these fees will be what « pays » the miners. Segwit was a way to decrease the « weight » of a transaction, allowing fees to be a little cheaper. Two options : one led to a hard fork, the other one to a soft fork. The difference : one implied to chanfe satoshi nakamoto principles, not the other one…
when you say a near future, when? I have heard this before but when will that be the case?
It already happened several times that transaction fees were higher than the block reward. It has already started.
Well that s when game theory kicks in… when the FOMO makes you acts irrationnal… If i wait another week maybe it s going to be too late to catch up… that s why i think HongKong is moving hard lately, they are urging to launch their etf because every day that pass, their money is flying away from the country. My hope is dubai, and EAU to pitch in soon. Them being aftaid of their fund to thaw if they wait too long… as well as countries to realize that the US could default soon and jump from their bonds to btc