This is a Bitcoin Dev Project product.
The responses are generated based on the same sources as We made some choices to cut down on hallucinations, which limits its range and so it thrives with deeply technical questions and won't do very well with general purpose bitcoin things. We've also implemented L402 for DoS protection, which I haven't seen much of in the wild.
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @kr 22 Jan
cool, do is it right that L402s kick in above some threshold of prompt requests?
i just tried one and i got my answer for free.
also, do you plan to monetize this and turn it into a business? or is the L402 protection just in place so you don’t lose a bunch of money?
569 sats \ 1 reply \ @ajonas 22 Jan
Yes, we allow a certain number of questions for free.
No plans on turning this into a business. The payments collected are paid out as sats-for-review on
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @kr 22 Jan
very cool - the btc transcripts site looks great!