If Compass were to encounter financial trouble or go under, what happens to the miners using their service?
i think "fired" is a better term here (based on back channel info)
word is that they have been kicked out of many facilities for not paying and breaking contracts related to financial mismanagement and that is why ceo and cfo are gone at the same time. this issue with maine is one example and apparently has occurred in both ohio and oklahoma prior to this https://twitter.com/DynamicsMining/status/1541403191815950337
they don't impact us, the big miner groups have a niche for themselves now, one will leave another will take place
Last I heard, they are still a sponsor of Peter McCormmack's "What Bitcoin Did" podcast.
All sponsored creators got white glove service. A completely and distinctly different service the rest of us got. The customer service was the worst I have ever seen from any company and its not even close. In any case, there is a good chance Peter hosted his machines in Russia and got rugged. Hell, I had my machines in America and nearly got rugged!!
mccormack's sponsors are most likely paid for well in advance
Suck that dick and take that L