He is a smaller guy (for an NFL QB) with smaller hands. Gonna be tougher in bad weather for him. It also hurt having Deebo go out because that took away an element of the rushing game and short passing game/yards after catch game, that could have helped Purdy out. I think they can scheme Deebo plays for McCloud and Jennings if he is out next week but in game in the bad weather it's a tough adjustment to make.
49ers OLine was awful. So was their DLine for that matter. I am not concerned about Love not getting sacked, they pressured him and he isn't really a running QB but he is good at getting out of the pocket and extending plays but Young, Gregory and even Bosa a couple times did a terrible job setting the edge. There were numerous Jones big runs where the Edge didn't set the edge and ended up inside leaving Jones tons of room to run.
I think the DLine bounces back. Maybe a bit of rust, maybe the weather. Bosa also said they the Packers threw in some new wrinkles that weren't on tape that surprised them. I am concerned about the OLine though. If you can't stop the Packers pass rush (decent but not top 10) you aren't stopping the Ravens, Bills or Chiefs pass rush. And Hutchison might have a field day for the Lions next week as well.
I thought the two biggest factors were Deebo getting hurt and the Packers WR being able to block your pass rushers.
I think it was mostly a flukey game and the 49ers win more convincingly 7/10 times if they replayed it.
Yeah the Packers WRs were great in the run game. Took a page out of our book. The Pack are a young team that is clearly improving as the season goes. Beating the cowboys and then taking the 49ers to the brink has to give them a lot of confidence going into next year.
NFC North is going to be a dog fight next year. Assuming Vikings bring back Cousins.
Can you imagine if Love ends up being great? They could potential go 45 straight years with just three different QB's, all of whom are elite.
The Raiders have already had four different starting QB's since Carr was benched last year.
I don't know if he will be elite but he will be very good. With a good RB and some receiving weapons they can run a similar system to the 49ers but Love has a bigger arm so they can take more deep shots that the run and play action game open up.