I had an experience like that while taking a philosophy class in high school. We were writing up our personal philosophies while reading different thinkers.
I had just written a page or two about the relationship between material well-being and happiness, after starting one of the Dalai Lama's books. Literally the next pages I read of his book were almost word-for-word what I had written.
It was incredibly weird.
In all likelihood I wouldn't still share those views, but that memory will always stand out to me.
What a story! I kinda felt goosebumps go down my spine.
Your experience is open to so many interpretations. Did some Higher Order channel through you and guide your consciousness to write those words? Or were you just a darn good writer and absorbed the style of the Dalai Lama so seamlessly that you didn’t notice it yourself? These are rhetorical questions, btw. Haha
Has that moment of profound connection affected the way you perceive his teachings in any way?
Honestly, I've never known what to make of it.