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What is your favorite worst prediction? Doesn't have to be from the link.
My favorite: In 1998 economist Paul Krugman wrote that by 2005 it would become clear that the internet's effect on the economy is no greater than the fax machine's.
Ahh, the same guy that got awarded the fake Nobel Prize. A classic.
Mine is about all experts of the time (early 20th century) fully agreeing that flying was impossible until it was done by two hobbyists, the Wright brothers, running a bicycle sales and repair shop. It took years for the establishment to believe it, calling them frauds and all names you can imagine, needless to say that the expert crisis has been a long time going
The world was predicted to end in 2012
Maybe it did end and that would explain how weird things have been lately
"We will never make a 32 bit operating system." - Bill Gates (Now he is making 64 bit!)
Very funny, only consolation is that he learnt from it
I know I'm nitpicking but I think Bill resigned before they made 64-bit XP, which means it would've been Ballmer
The Mercedes Benz president predicted there would never be more than a million cars because not enough people could learn how to drive it.