Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
the war on drugs is iresponsible
Found this article interesting and wanted to share it here:
Hello there fellow bitcoiners… My first time here in the saloon… :) So today, was my long run of the week, 12 weeks away from the 128th Boston Marathon…! Kinda chaotic because of the ice that didn’t melt everywhere yet… but job was done… Then, it was the Costco chore to fill up the fridge… And now it’s all about cheering for the SF 49ers…! Go Purdy, go Mccaffrey !!!
Hope you all had a good start of the weekend…!
Awesome job! Yeah I’ve done Boston a few times and live in the Midwest so the training is tough. Be sure to run a lot of hills. Downhills that is to prepare your quads for Boston! Congrats on qualifying it’s a huge accomplishment just to get there!
Thank you, I appreciate the answer, the advice and the spirit…! Have a great rest of your weekend my friend!
Can’t let your first foray into the Saloon go unrewarded, can we?
I find the Saloon a great way to decompress at the end of the day and unload my reflection. (And sometimes, I get sats haha)
See ya around
You re a nice person cryptosensei, thank you very much to welcome me so well… I’ll make sure to come by at least once a day to greet you friends here and have a cyber shot after work :)
289 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 20 Jan
Just getting started on today's newsletter lol
I feel rich and powerful from just watching the clips coming out of Davos.
X Launches payment page
Yep, supposed to launch this year.
I’m getting lazy the DCA into no KYC is getting exhausting. Time to auto stack then send to mix then send as gift! I’ll take the hit but the giftee will be Scott free!
Why is the related posts list defaulting to open for me?
Does anyone know if there is a way to change this?
I assumed this was an intentional change. It’s happening for me too
I commented about it yesterday: #394346
Maybe it is just me but it has been a bad experience in the sports sub. Likely because most of the highly zapped posts are related to the survivor pools so if I post about the NFL games today, we get a bunch of unrelated posts about the survivor pool that ended months ago.
Even if the related posts were relevant, I would still prefer to see people's comments first and have it be offered in a different way. Something along the lines of "Want to see more content like this? Here are some related posts you might like or you could click here to subscribe".
As a poster, having the ability to assign the related posts I want might be something I am interested in. So my daily sports post, I just assign the past five days. My polls, I assign the recent polls etc.
210 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 20 Jan
It was an experiment. Just had a meeting with the board of directors and it will only default to open to when there are no comments.
And so it shall be, by decree of the board, back to usual business in the next release:
Stacking sats is fun but have you tried stacking snow?
I think you should start stacking pixels
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Join us TODAY for the next TopBuilder workshop.
  • How to Prepare for the Bitcoin Startup Journey by Marc Mckirahan
  • The Convergence of AI & Bitcoin by Christopher David
January 20, 2024 - 12:00pm to 2:30 PM CST
In Person: 800 Brazos St suite 260 · Austin, TX
More details at
#Bitcoin #TopBuilder #BuildOnBitcoin
Ah the weekend, I’ll try not to work too much! Starting out my day here with a good power breakfast! Let’s roll!
Howdy partners!!! Saturday morning here and what a day, birds are chirping and my hot cup of java by my side and sending my good vibes to you, is a darn good way to start. Let us relax this weekend guys, find something we want to do, eat or buy and just do it. You deserve it my friend, it was a busy busy week and a good rest is needed to recharge the energy for the coming one, for me, I think I want a slice of pie and a vanilla milkshake, go for a walk at the beach on Sunday, perhaps a dip in the water. The world is your oyster my friend, do something you enjoy doing or eating and go for it. I wish you a phenomenal weekend, may it be filled with success, joy and most importantly, love. You're amazing and important, don't you dare forget. Be well and stay frosty my friend!!
Day 33 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 714 sats on 19Jan2024! Running total: 25,784 sats!
Can someone remind me what the most promising YouTube alternatives are on nostr?
I have been experimenting with cutting out Twitter almost completely: I have been almost exclusively logging in on Thursdays around the Optech Recap. It’s kinda embarrassing to admit how much time and focus that has freed up—it’s been amazing for my bigger and more complex projects. While it cut back a ton of noise, I also miss having a finger on the pulse of what’s on people’s minds and what ideas are being discussed.
While it cut back a ton of noise, I also miss having a finger on the pulse of what’s on people’s minds and what ideas are being discussed.
I think cycling it on and off might give the best of both worlds. One day per week of twitter use paired with a well curated list would probably be just enough.
sn/nostr is all I look at social wise, but it’s usually towards the end of the day or wknds, twitter is just a more toxic LinkedIn atp
Has anyone messed around with the minibits wallet? After all the talk about ecash and fedimint lately I downloaded it last night. I was thinking of setting it up to do auto withdraws from my SN wallet.
GM! Anyone can please gift us a click on this survey? (3h left)

Do you sell (or have ever sold) your unwanted items online?

Thanks in advance
It has been so cold in Tennessee this week I've just been sitting my Bitcoin on the back porch for cold storage.
ta dum dum! 😂🤣🤣
The hottest weather I ever experienced was during a summer vacation in Tennessee about 10 years ago. I remember getting in my car and the temperature registered 108 F. Since then I always think of it as having a warm climate.
We do, mostly. We average 4-6 inches all winter. We got almost 7 inches in two days, and then the temp dropped to below zero. We are at 4°F this morning. 🥶
Of snow right??? Right??? Because I was about to come here and make a "my wife averages....." Joke.
So just to clarify, were talking about snow.
Beautiful place. I have a friend who retired to some small town outside of Nashville.
Smart friend. I semi-retired to a town of 30,000 about an hour out of Nashville in 2012 when I left the Bay Area for good. Got away before the serious dystopia set in.
Stay warm this winter 🥶
Restrictions set you free - updated my bio, it's quite nice that you can only do certain things in markdown, no need to think about all the layout or colors.
And just received the first review from buyers of my stacking guide - building in public. 👀
Glad how @Thawne didn’t pull any punches and how you followed up on his feedback quickly, thus making it an authentic learning experience for us all. Congrats on your first testimonial n kudos to your humble spirit xP
24/7 of ensuring that my two kids stay alive, but snatched some time to read a parenting chapter.
It advocates forming a partnership with your child because you have wider , deeper experiences of the world, thus making you a generalist. However, you lack the intimate knowledge of the times and social norms your child is growing up in. So your child needs to apply his specialist knowledge.
Generalists and specialists - the world needs them both.
196 sats \ 1 reply \ @Bitman 20 Jan
The best parenting move I made was carrying the little chap everywhere in a 'wrap' on my chest - then a bigger carrier on my chest and back.
He'd see everything I'd do, I'd explain things, he'd have a great view and feel loved/involved and learn about the world. I did this for probably as long as his mum carried him.
I’m at this stage with my baby girl now - it prevents her from running away! Haha
Day 280 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 80 push-ups. (20 - 20 - 20 - 20)
Snail getting after it! 🫡
350 sats \ 1 reply \ @mango 20 Jan
Day 61 of horseposting everyday
Horse Stance: 1 minute
(Super exhausted. Pushing my 4 min attempt to sometime next week.)
P.S. 20x4 Amazing! Looks like you are recovered strong.
Massive effort 🫡
Great effort! Roll on the supersets!
Thought of the day: Dune is really overrated.
The David Lynch full edit film is underrated, the subsequent books overrated but the book is like Goldilocks… just right.
I was referring to the book. I read it after I saw it heavily recommended in communities like this, but I don't understand why it's so beloved. Clunky writing style mixed with an unlikable protagonist and contrived plot elements. I don't get it.
Sorry you didn’t like it.
Ok so my thoughts on the importance of Dune and its legacy;
It redefined the SF genre which had become bogged down by Asimov et al. Its main ‘hero’ sits within quite a compelling journey of discovery, subverting aspects of the traditional Joesph Campbell mould.
The book has had significant influence with sequel books, films (x2) Warhammer 40k & Star Wars all resulting from it in some way or other but most importantly it gave us Command and Conquer on the PC.
Its ecological theme was ahead of its time; the balance of nature and the impact of human actions on the environment become an interesting ‘supporting statement’ to (US mostly) environmental movements of the 70s. The book was born of Herbert writing a magazine article about desertification in the US I think.
The characters in Dune are complex and flawed, not that likeable agreed but I find them very engaging. A political subtext (or perhaps theme) throughout the story reflects global power, governance, colonialism and political manipulation by feudal overlords & organisations. But it can also be more simply seen as being about jihad, oil and the people who want to control commodities.
The spirituality elements see an exploration of destiny / messianic themes, conflicts and fantasism in religion (machine vs myth) and the possibilities of human potential.
It won Hugo and Nebula Awards making it a pretty big deal within the genre. The sequels less so (even his own had little extra to offer the genre he had created) and the books written after his death seem to be of diminishing returns… although I haven’t bothered.
I appreciate its clunkiness and it throws you in at the deep end from the word go but I find it quite rewarding. Probably sits in top 50 books of all time (but I haven’t checked)
I’d give it 9/10 and I’m not really a sci-fi fan.
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Mornin y'all 🤠
did you watch SNL? 👀
Hells yeah! Nice highlight of your most excellent post last night!
The moment they test search and it was not working well... Aww. I'm sure it will be better. Hugs for @k00b
lol yeah search is hard
How about, when posting links, fill in the "context" field with keywords describing the content of the link. Kinda like hashtags used to be a thing. That could solve the search problem they were having.
Watching now, thanks for sharing!
Quick off the mark this morning Natalia.
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