can't zap it.! congrats for stepping out of your comfort zone, that's the way to grow!
The most scary thing was asking my wife if she was angry with me lol.
interesting, are men all think the same? 🤔
How about you? Pushed yourself out of your comfort zone recently?
I did two experiments this week:)
One of the experiments is selling The art of Stacking in SN, I dunno why it felt scary, maybe I'm spending too much time here and started to care a lot. But then I thought to myself, okay, what is the worst thing gonna happen? No one buy it? fine, I already had tons of fun making it happen and learned a lot, like how to design a better flow and how to make things more organized, etc., and now I can even share all the insights of the tools that I've tried - stacking experience is always a win for me!
Another one is launched my second course, but it's presell atm I also think the same to myself - what's the worst thing that can happen? no one buys it? And I've learned one of the beauties of presell is that if not many people are interested in it, you have the freedom to cancel it, just be honest and refund:) And yay, some of my long-time audience ordered it:) so I'm gonna focus on creating it from now on - I like to do small tests before committing too much of my energy now.
Thanks for the fabulous response. It’s like reading a behind-the-scenes of your publication. The fear and anxiety and your determination to push through it. Kudos to your first testimonial again!
I agree with how iterations make you make small mistakes, achieve small wins and overall, force you to be more nimble to achieve your goals. Keep up the good fight!
Write on!