Before I returned to Bitcoin I was 2019 looking at Stella.... It was so complicated and I could easily see that you had to be in the club and then the currency with it's conditions....
What a mess. The Eth, what a mess.
Maybe someone will mess up Bitcoin in collaboration but there are certain principals that follow the laws of the universe and the laws of man never follow those laws.
Every civilization has crashed and burned but the principals of man that we've discovered do not change. Always back to basics works. There is nothing about the Fiat financial system that is spiritual other than devil worship and controller elite occult machinations. Satoshi Nakamoto specifically was moved by spiritual principals as were / are the cypher punks.
The big miners who don't like to play and the holders who want to change everything will need to collaborate in such a way as to change the minds of all Bitcoin users. It won't happen. It won't matter if it does. Mostly what the sorcerer does is change your mind by fooling the heart.
Bitcoin is an actual sovereign nation and the sooner people understand this the sooner the great reset becomes an old broken recording.