And then there's this... "Stockpiles of weapons and ammunition have been drained by the conflict in Ukraine and will take years to replenish at the current rate of production. ... Meanwhile, Russia has tripled its military expenditure to 40 per cent of the entire national budget, while drastically speeding up manufacturing lines. ... We need to be readier across the whole spectrum,” Adml Bauer said. “You have to have a system in place to find more people if it comes to war, whether it does or not. Then you talk mobilisation, reservists or conscription.
“You need to be able to fall back on an industrial base that is able to produce weapons and ammunition fast enough to be able to continue a conflict if you are in it.”
FFS, there is no way anyone can win a war in Europe. Millions would die. Both sides are in danger of giving up on peace and re-enacting the pre WW2 arms race....
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Millions would die Exactly!
I was in Russia and Ukraine some time ago. In Russia, I met many people who don't want war and are actively trying to avoid it. The people I met there have no desire to engage in this conflict. As for so-called 'for free' Ukraine, I assisted a young man in leaving because he, too, did not want to be involved in the war. None of these individuals have any interest in war. There are many people who lack sufficient information about what is truly happening, and a considerable number already need psychological help. They struggle to distinguish between good and bad people, thinking that being born within certain geographical borders makes them inherently bad. They need to seek psychological assistance. It seems like this is just the beginning, but for what purpose? John Lennon's song 'Imagine' reflects a harsh truth. Why don't people understand? Why all these discussions in groups about what is better, when there are no easy decisions? War is detrimental to everyone, and it's perceived as a setback, we lose a lot. All of this is not only happening in Russia and Ukraine but also coming in the EU. The debates among socialists, capitalists, and various groups will lead to failure, and people will face difficult times. It's unfortunate, and no one wants millions of people to die because of borders. I admire the events unfolding in Argentina. Time will tell how effective their leader is and how it will turn out. They have endured bad times for a long period, and tough times create strong people. However, maybe we don't need these difficult times and can take control like Argentina did. Why do we let these people make decisions about money, decisions that affect our brothers and sisters? I don't know, but we must stick together.
Thank You, well said. As You indirectly point out, the state in general has too much power. Way too much. Argentine could be the beginning of the end of a decade long growth of gov influence. Let's see, let's stack, let's do our part to push back against statism.
It is all extremely disturbing. Anyone who has any grasp of modern European history should be very concerned, regardless of nationality.
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