We have to remain skeptical of him and the theories about him as well. He may be legit. He may not be.
Think about what it would have signaled if he were not allowed to speak or invited. I don't hear that counter argument from anyone. I suspect they invited him knowing he would do what he did. I don't think they feel threatened by him. And they shouldn't. He has a lot of work cut out for him.
If I were running the WEF I'd invite him. The leaders and masses are so clueless about economics and freedom I think they are underestimating him.
We also have to be careful that we don't fall into the trap of judging people based solely on connections. I've heard some rather flimsy theories over the years. They take more faith to believe than the drivel on TV
To be clear. The reason he was invited could be to create content for the media around the world to slice, dice, and use to mock him. To create fear porn. Not saying it will work but this could be a rational reason for giving him a platform.