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When El Salvador introduced their Bitcoin law, I noticed a bunch of people on Bitcoin Twitter talking about taking trips to El Salvador and buying property there.
It’s still early, but I don’t get the sense that Bitcoin Twitter shares the same desire to travel or relocate to Argentina, despite what seems to be a strong attraction to Javier Milei.
A few questions for stackers:
  • Have you traveled to El Salvador in the last couple years?
  • Do you plan on traveling to Argentina?
  • Have you considered re-locating to either El Salvador or Argentina?
  • If forced to make a decision between the two, which country would you prefer to live in?
No, not in Argentina, but I would definitely be interested in El Salvador, now I am in Latin America visiting Mexico and discovering, who knows if my next stop is El Salvador
what makes Argentina unappealing to you?
  1. No
  2. I wanted to but not so sure now
  3. No
  4. Argentina they good at the soccer
If I found a well paying job in El Salvador I'd move there tomorrow.
There is literally nowhere else I'd like to be, I fucking hate Canada these days it's going downhill so fast, everything is getting so goddamn expensive, merchant adoption of BTC is laughably low, and there's basically no hope that Bitcoin will ever have any status beyond "massively taxed capital gains investment" if the current rulers have their way.
In El Salvador I could speak my own language, I could use my own money, I could feel safe expressing an opinion the state might not agree with, I could feel safe sending my kids to school without them being brainwashed, I could go to the beach, I could start a bitcoin related business.
Just need a bit more BTC to take the plunge without a job on hand. We'll get there. Zap this reply if you want to help me get there faster
Any opportunities for remote work for companies in a similar time zone?
Do you plan on traveling to Argentina?
That has been my plan for a years, unrelated to Milei.
Have you considered re-locating to either El Salvador or Argentina?
If forced to make a decision between the two, which country would you prefer to live in?
Argentina most likely.
Have you traveled to El Salvador in the last couple years?
Do you plan on traveling to Argentina?
Yes, would like to taste of fun of blue dollar. 😂
Have you considered re-locating to either El Salvador or Argentina?
If forced to make a decision between the two, which country would you prefer to live in?
Probably Argentina - a few friends said some good things about there.
No but I wish them the best. Milei's speech was good. I hope he keeps half the promises he made.
I'm not 100% sure that Milei is pro Bitcoin...let's wait and see.
No plans at the moment but I am keeping an eye on what is happening in South/Central America.
Will have to visit first before making such a huge decision.
You should all move to Argentina, but for many reasons. Still its really easy to do Non KyC buy/sell in the streets. Many people will always feel as foreigners in El Salvador. This will not happen in Argentina. Buenos Aires is one of the greatest cities in the world.
Just follow recommendations to locals.
You should all move to Argentina, but for many reasons
Could you elaborate on some the reasons please?
Today Argentina is an occidental country with European roots. If you come to Argentina from Europe or USA you won't feel a foreigner.
The people of El Salvador is really nice, but very native and so, if you come from these countries you will be seen as a foreigner. Still there is no problem, but the country lacks of infraestructure and there is still a gang issue.
Argentina has the good and the bad, but if you ever come to Buenos Aires you will feel in a really nice cosmopolitan euro/latinoamerican city with all the services, food, education, health you can want. If you are a bitcoiner with much money, you can trade kyc and non kyc without problem.
It's easy to buy and rent real state. You can live in buenos aires or in a country side really big house much cheaper than europe. The rest of the country is for you to explore. If you do your own, you will do fine.
The drawback in Argentina is the weak currency and corrupted politicians. In the case of safety there aren't gangs, but lots a many areas on the very outside of buenos aires / rosario / cordoba that can be dangerous, but not on the rest of the country. You must be careful with your belongings.
For example, Argentina is now the most selected country by the Russians families (that nothing has to do with what is going on in Russia). Full families are renting appartments in the best neihgberhoods of the cities and sending their kids to the best school (many bilinguals) and having good life. Even pregnant women are having their child in the country.
In the case of Milei, there are many debates on the congress to free all the market that it is still tight to socialdemocrats rules.
If you want to open a factory then you should understand the rules of the country and the power of the syndicates and politicians. This is what Milei wants to change.
Agree, BsAs is one of the best cities on earth independent of any btc-related action. Such great food, interesting culture, people are so educated! Like in the US, on telephone poles you'll see flyers stapled them about how someone will sell you a supplement to increase the girth of your cock, in BsAs the flyers taped to light posts are for someone proposing to teach you ancient Greek or about the history of impressionism, or offering to edit your novel. Such a wonderful, literate, energetic place.
What is it with this pretend "culture" of fake and superficial people that just tick the boxes to appear cultured, while they ignore or despise the biggest cultural shift going on right now (bitcoin)? What is to love about big cities nowadays? I agree about the great food, though.
Before 2020, I also used to love cities. Nowadays, I mostly see fakeness. Nothing specific about BsAs, just about big cities in general.
Thanks for reading this short rant. Looking forward to your input, guys.
what's the average cost of rent in Buenos for a 2 room flat?
thank you for your thoughtful reply. i appreciate it
I don't see myself going to argentina, the language barrier is already high for me
  1. No
  2. Maybe
  3. Yes
  4. Argentina, probably.
If forced to make a decision between the two, which country would you prefer to live in?
Very easy.. El Salvador accepts btc Argentina not as much. Crime in El salvador is decreasing A LOT, unlike in Argentina.. Also, the number of Argentinians fleeing the country is indicative of the state of affairs.
Argentina is such a cool country. I've been here for a month, staying for another 3 months or so. It's really cheap here. Food is crazy cheap if you have dollars. The peso has inflated about 35% since I've been here
Want to travel to both, and wait and see on both.
Both need many more years to truly prove out their permanent improvement and success in my mind. Both have charismatic presidents with potential. But they not only need to consistently deliver on that potential, but so does the country overall for an extended period of time even after that president leaves office- at least a decade imho.
Not looking to move but would consider getting residency to have as a backup plan.
I have not visited either. Would love to visit El Salvador, Uruguay and Argentina. On the surface, Argentina seems more appealing, but I would never decide without traveling extensively.
Wasn't considering it but Milei's speech is compelling. Going to take time to absorb.
Keeping an eye to El Salvador, Argentina too soon to decide.
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