Carnation Revolution in Portugal, 1975, put an end to a 45-year dictatorship. Only four people died that day, demonstrating that revolutions can be made almost without bloodshed.
Fernando dos Reis, Fernando Gesteira, José Arruda and José Barneto were the only fatalities of April Revolution, in front of PIDE headquarters. The youngest was only 18, while the oldest was 37. They left home that day with the enthusiasm of those who know they are living through a historic moment, about to witness the milestone of change.
The four men headed for the PIDE headquarters, a place that symbolized fear and terror, which supported the power and strength of the Estado Novo. Many other people had the same idea, but with different luck.
The PIDE/DGS agents opened fire with no regard for whom, shooting to kill and scaring the people who were at the siege. Several people fell, including the four men who are now remembered as forgotten heroes of April 25.
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