Whilst we got everybody...
Have people come across "the freebie problem"? How have they dealt with it? I see freebie posts from the same user repeatedly. But that user is a high engager in conversation. I want to promote conversation, and if it costs them to post I doubt they'd do so. How do you tackle the freebie issue? Personally I've stopped zapping their posts/comments. If all they're going to do is game the system and hoard sats fair enough but it won't be coming from my pocket. However in the interest of being seen by the rest of my "customers" for lack of a better word to still be responding to everyone's comments, I do still engage with that user (just don't zap). I don't want to turn off freebie posts unless I have to as unfortunately, growth is generated by engagement and cutting off your nose to spite your face... Seems very counter-intuitive.
What's everyone's thoughts?
I noticed this a few months ago and made a comment. I get the point of freebies, I just think there should be a some sort of account limit.
Personally I've stopped zapping their posts/comments. If all they're going to do is game the system and hoard sats fair enough but it won't be coming from my pocket.
I understand if you drain your wallet, there could be a point where maybe you can’t post any more. Good, I like that aspect, go buy more bitcoin or post something worth zapping.
Agree. It's endlessly frustrating. GR pointed out yesterday that a lost had loads of comments but hardly any zaps. People don't seem to get how SN works just yet. Hopefully they'll work it out sooner rather than later.