Based on listening to the author on the podcast embedded in the post I'm not sure this guy gets how markets work and how companies like Amazon responded to the inflow of money in response to gov monetary actions.
I was told repeatedly it wouldn’t affect me or the teams I worked with. Then in the summer that changed.
If this is true whoever told him this surely didn't mean that his team would never be affected. Many in companies like Amazon, I would say most have no clue what is going to happen in the economy in the next 6 months. You can't make promises like that. You just can't. When I hear stuff like that I don't take it seriously.
It doesn't seem like there is an awareness of the state of markets and the economy in the post.
Many teams at Amazon have been in a hiring freeze for over a year. And now they’re chasing away the people they do have.
Join the club buddy. During Covid most large tech firms were hiring because they had the cash flow and demand. Now that life is largely back to normal and money is tight due to interest rate increases reality is hitting everyone. Most of the large firms have had layoffs and hiring freezes.
The more I think about this "story" the more uninteresting it is to me...