As I read that glimpse into what was going on at AWS last year, I found it odd that the guy was able to publish without any repercussions and then, right at the end
Update: On Jan 10th I officially quit Amazon. My manager called me asking about what work I would be doing like none of this ever happened. I knew he would tried to put me on a PIP and I wasn’t going to stick around for that.
Given all the coverage of that post (linked at the bottom!!) and the podcast, I wonder if that's really how that conversation went down...
Its odd that he would quit before his pip. I know several people who intentionally go on a pip if they have another job opportunity. A PIP is like, you can quit now and stay gone for 5 years and we will give you a big chunk of change, or you can stay on and fight to keep your job or stay at the company.
People who quit to avoid a pip are either expecting to work at the company again soon, or are total d-bags at work and worried that it will mess up their next interview.
Yeah. I don't know either. I'm sus on it. Gotta stay skeptical. Always multiple sides to a story.