I'm kidding, there's some good stuff in here, I just didn't want to title the post his click-baity name that he gave the documentary:
"They" in the title is referring to:
those who profit from the lack of public science literacy: the TV shows selling you more of the same old storytelling, the UFO personalities in the press, even some in Congress who seem determined to "get to the bottom of this".
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Pretty sure this guy walks around with a shirt on that says "I'm a skeptical skeptic." Here's what I think are the key points of his skepticism:
  • FTL travel impossible
  • Lack of good direct evidence
  • Most sightings have logical explanations
I agree with this guy on the latter two especially the Navy vids being underwhelming. Conveniently he ignores the testimony associated with the navy vids, like he ignores potentially the largest news ever in the history of the field, David Grusch's hearing on July 26th last year.
But, I get it, the film was likely done with production at that time, since it was released August 17th.
Except, he has another channel with a video What's Really Behind the UFO News? , released weeks after the congressional hearing, on August 12th. Except there's 0 mention again of the whistleblower that's actually causing the news..? 🚩 🚩 🚩
I found one reply in either vid where he talks at all about Grusch.
Funny that the one thing Brian thinks UFOs are NOT (besides NHI), definitely, definitely, definitely NOT, are secret military aircraft....hmm how odd... listen to his reasoning yourself at 01:15:44 "Secret military aircraft"
He did finally write an article about Grusch in September, focusing on just one claim and summing everything up as an "Italian UFO hoax...." Got it.
I think skeptics are going to have their hands full this year. I'm ready for it.
@senf Thanks for the recommendation, I'd recommend this podcast back, Eric Weinstein and Mick West talking about UFOs and skepticism.
“Funny that the one thing Brian thinks UFOs are NOT (besides NHI), definitely, definitely, definitely NOT, are secret military aircraft....hmm how odd...”
Agreed, how odd. I guess that answers that.
What a shell game.