That's hilarious! People have short memories. Especially about things they aren't interested in at the time.
I will know we are back in a bull market when people start contacting me about bitcoin. People that have made fun of me for the last few years.
I'm still shocked. I guess big picture it's a good thing. I think.
I've been thinking about this more and more lately as some bitcoiners seem to be triggered by new people looking at bitcoin and getting things so wrong. Or getting excited about things like the ETF vs. real bitcoin. Its inevitable. I'm gonna try to be gentle and open to listen to these people but point them toward the light :)
The average Joe doesn't even get why we need bitcoin. They have never heard of Austrian economics. They don't know what open source code is. They don't know any of this stuff that most of us already knew about before bitcoin crossed our radar. Really, we have an huge jump start mentally.
The tradfi folks will look at bitcoin through a completely different lens from how I see it. This is why I'm thankful for people like Saylor. I'm not from this world. I don't speak the lingo.
You have the right attitude. Like I said in the post, I'm pretty old, and I discovered the Austrian school way back in the late 1980s. I became a hard money gold bug almost immediately, like most guys did after being exposed to Von Mises, Hayek, et al. When the ETFs came in 2005, I think, everyone was excited. Gold did appreciate as a result, but as the years went by it became obvious that paper gold was controlling the price, like the fiat governments and big banks wanted. That's where my fear comes in. I know the arguments as to why this can't happen to bitcoin, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not apprehensive.
How did you hear about Mises and Hayek? It was... wait for it... Ron Paul for me.
Believe it or not, I went to a bookstore during my lunch break one day and found a paperback copy of Anarchy, State, And Utopia by Robert Nozick. That's all it took. Really turned my notion of the world upside down. Of course Ron Paul was and is THE MAN.
Wow. You are old... lol, jk. I couldn't resist.
You'll get there in what seems like months, if you're lucky.