Can you explain to us how split payments work? What Lightning implementation are you guys using for that to work?
Splits are defined through the <podcast:value> tag that's defined in the new Podcasting 2.0 namespace -
Any podcaster can put a value block in their RSS feed - either at the <channel> level for show splits or the <item> level for episode splits. The episode splits are definitely the most exciting as they allow podcasters to share sats with guests, producers, listeners, good causes etc.
A value block contains a list of recipients that look like this:
<podcast:valueRecipient name="[name of recipient(string)]" type="[address type(string)]" address="[the receiving address(string)]" customKey="[optional key to pass(mixed)]" customValue="[optional value to pass(mixed)]" split="[share count(int)]" fee=[true|false] />
We use LNPay (LND) to manage our Lightning node which adds additional features like webhooks and sub wallets -
Thanks for the code