I've been thinking about this....one thing that I can really wrap my head around yet (@siggy47?)
Since the 6a has eSIM - is it possible to get a US Voice / Text / Data account with no kyc and pay via bitcoin? I've been looking around for this and most such accounts appear to be data-only.
I know https://www.keepgo.com will accept crypto, and you do have to sign up with an account. Now... what info you sign up with, it is KAC, Know A Customer. That customer could be John Doe with a disposable email maybe.
I think @TonyGiorgio has a lot of information in this area, but I can't find the post.
I bought a pixel phone and put graphene OS on it. I don’t have any Google play services on it and because of that, I cannot use an eSIM. I learned the hard way it had to get a refund.
I think it’s pretty stupid, but apparently I cannot use an eSIM unless I download Google play services and that’s something I’m just not gonna do.
Also, you can’t use android auto… and there’s a few other things, but whatever. We use Graphene not for the convenience, but for the privacy