No, never climbed outside. Only went bouldering in Fontainebleau once. So all of my climbing experience is inside with top rope. I did a course for lead climbing but that was during the pandemic and I didn't find another mate to climb with again. (I have one in prospect though since a few weeks.)
My friend and me wanted to go on a climbing trip together. But I told her that feels too much like what only couples would do and I don't feel comfortable because of that.
Our friendship went downhill after that. But we recovered at some point. Took us a few years. But we also live 1-2 hours away from each other now.
But we wouldn't have worked as a couple anyway. Took me these few years to realize lol
I imagine there are a lot of cultural differences on something like that, but I've gone on platonic climbing and camping trips before. Every situation is different, though.
270 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek OP 16 Jan
Yeah, it's definitely possible but climbing feels like the ideal sport for couples.
Going climbing together builds a very strong bond. You essentially trust each other with your lives since you belay each other. So it makes sense that I mostly saw couples in the climbing gyms.
When we did our top rope course together, we were the only ones who weren't a couple.
I also liked the security aspect of it. Every time before someone goes on the wall, you make sure they are secure with absolutely zero compromises.
Maybe that's one reason why I like ~security so much. Lives can depend on it :)
Damn I miss climbing lol