I devoured your review. The question that comes to my mind is, why hasn’t the term ‘logotherapy’ become mainstream yet? It sounds a bit similar to the Japanese word, ikigai, which means living according to one’s life purpose. I have heard of Viktor and his sufferings before, but “logotherapy” is something TIL
why hasn’t the term ‘logotherapy’ become mainstream yet?
'Mainstream' is a high bar for a term of art, but in counselling psychology I'd say that most people know what it is. Also keep in mind that this is now, what, sixty years old? So pieces of this migrate elsewhere. In modern therapeutic traditions, meaning-making is a significant part of it.
No idea. I’m no expert on psychotherapy but it’s my understanding that it is still being used today. As a concept it sits within the Viennese psychoanalytical tradition and based on your comments makes me think that getting to ‘ones life purpose’ can be via science or spirituality… perhaps both.