After some digging i found out that postcastindex uses the HIVE blockchain for building their podcast index. The parsing works as follows:
- a small server program parses different RSS feeds and stores the result in the HIVE blockchain (
- The entries can be check here:
- Blockchain watcher ( parses the HIVE blockchain and build the SQL database at
The is in control of a single user (Check for recovery account at A recovery account can reset the account password and claim the account at any time)
As you can read here:
This should be used to pump the HIVE blockchain.
What do you think about this? It is also very interesting that you will not find anything about their usage of HIVE on
But this doesn't hurt Bitcoin
<-- I'm not sure this is a safe statement. As we are currently seeing, unlicensed shitcoin casinos can definitely hurt Bitcoin. Currently for example these over-leveraged web3 companies are dumping their BTC on the market bringing price down and also driving hash rate down. One could argue that they were the ones that took the price high in the first place, but I'd rather just have slow steady growth of bitcoin adoption and price vs fiat than a bunch of scam pumps. Anyway bit of a rant... I just think that being too lenient on shitcoinery is not entirely risk free.custom_json
stored on the Hive blockchain containing one or more RSS feed IRIS. Here's
, an account controlled by Dave at Podcast Index. He runs a friendly web front end which Podcast Hosting companies like, Buzzsprout, and a growing list of other, all use to send podpings (they could run the software themselves and maybe one day they will but for now a get request to PodcastIndex is easier).