Love Lyn, but notice that Peter seems to recycle a lot of the same guests... does he know about SN? Would be cool to see @k00b on there.
109 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 15 Jan
He says it out loud but Lyn consistently gives him big numbers.
...and Peter joining SN would be fun and interesting too - as long as he didn't end posts talking about price predictions...
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 15 Jan
I personally love price prediction porn 😅
Good for you. I'm pleased that you enjoyed that banter (I see it really as only banter).
Just it did become a bit irritating episode after episode as it left a bad taste in my mouth after many a good episode. Personally I was really relieved that Peter stopped.
I think many of his guests did too!