So super. Would be cool to see LN integrated, by merging this with zaplocker pending-payments / hodl invoices. Can think of a few use cases solved by this - not just related to crowd-funding but pooled challenges, holiday fund pots, sweepstakes, gaming & more. With the option to settle-out if not enough traction is obtained.
Absolutely terrible idea to lock LN payments for that long.
If you think it is a bad idea then don't forward payments with long duration CLTVs
I set my zaplocker node to do it and I charge a large amount to do so, and I am pleased with the results
I don't think you are the kind of person who wants to stop other people from doing what they want with their own node. You do what you like with yours and I will do what I like with mine and then the next time I see you I'll hug you (if you'll let me)
I said it was a terrible idea, not that I want to come to your house and physically stop you from doing it.
so I take it you will hug me then?
Ideally after you stop doing it but not a requirement