Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Hello StackerNews :>
"fractions of a penny for your thoughts?"
I wish I could invest in SN with sats
but you can invest your time here, and stack more than just sats:)
Kishin Kato is a Japanese Bitcoiner working on various Lightning and Bitcoin education-focussed projects, and heavily involved with the Bitcoin community in Japan.
We discuss some of the broad connections between Japan and New Zealand, including the state of agriculture, free trade, financial gatekeepers, as well as the emergence of different Bitcoin narratives.
Why is this post pinned in my territory?
"Not On My Territory"
pinned in every territory
Not sure why.
99 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 16 Jan
we haven't decided if it's a bug or a feature yet
Should probably be territory specific
feature it must be! the real wild west without any Boss.
centralized community building
In case you missed it, Car González announces the Top Builder roadmap and the teams that have been accepted into Top Builder.
Learn about TopBuilder:
#Bitcoin #TopBuilder #BuildOnBitcoin
Hey hey gang!!! Good afternoon to everyone!! My apologies for writing so late but had an extremely busy day, managed to get some free time to post this, but it has been a great Monday for sure!! Did you managed to get some R&R time? Time to show this week what we're made of, get the energy going and keep on keeping on, remember to strategize your approach to get your goals done, we've got this my friend, may your day be incredible and full of success in your endeavors. You're awesome and don't forget that, so let's start this week strong!! As always, be well and stay frosty!!
Whoop whoop!
You knooooow it!!! Have a wonderful night my friend!!
Join us on February 3rd for a hands-on workshop with Keyan Kousha, founder of Stacker News.
Keyan Kousha will present on MVP Development
301 sats \ 6 replies \ @gmd 15 Jan
Only zapping those with cowboy hats from now on... seems like a small hurdle to prove you're giving back to the network...
bots heard this, they started to mutually zap themselves for the hat. 🤖
I think it's about actually providing value, it doesn't matter have a hat or not; I do understand what you are saying tho, but that's a lazy way of "verifying". 👀
It does separate the crowd into two very different groups
There's a third group of weirdos who hide their cowboy hats.
sounds super weird. 👀
138 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 16 Jan
definitely keep a mental note of the weirdo regulars who do this but it does strain my meat computer
seems more fun - without the hat yet stack some special attention. 🎩
Off work for the holiday, but proof of work never takes a day off, so running outside in negative temps. Up and to the right!
Have you solved my cipher @ekzyis?
Unfortunately, no.
Just tried it with some online solvers. I thought it must be a classical cipher. But it doesn't seem to be a Caesar cipher or a Vigenère cipher. Your ciphertext is also quite short so I can't do frequency analysis on it. Every letter is unique.
So I guess it must be something more complex lol
Any hints?
And I appreciate the challenge btw!
I write a blog post and publish it on Wordpress, then share to twitter and I get….NOTHING.
I post it on SN and I stack a few hundred sats.
This. Is. The. Way.
I was thinking if you live in an under-developed country where the average salary is $3-6/day you could make a decent living here on SN.
Farm sats crossposting from /r/bitcoin and use a LLM to clean up your english and come up with topic ideas for different territories.
It beats most jobs in those countries.
I wonder how long you would last making pennies.
Better to come up with new articles and ideas, maybe talk about BTC and LN in your country and make serious money. People reward original content more than sat farming.
I dunno I don’t think my posts nor some of the top posts are better than what you could make with minimal effort and a premium LLM.
I’ve had a couple of low effort posts make a couple of bucks in USD, not even accounting for daily rewards.
Getting harder to tell what is “original content” these days. Not worth the time for anyone in a developed country, but could be a decent gig for someone in the Philippines etc
Yes! Bitcoin.Is.The.Future so excited to see the future of Stacker News and those pushing it forward. Great material and a central hub for Bitcoin evolution!
Ha ha. “Central”.
deleted twatter few months ago and can't be happier:)
I treat twitter like a zoo.
Stand back behind the bars and watch the animals crap all over each other.
But when it comes to mass amounts of timely info, twitter is days ahead of everyone else.
haha, zoo!
but sometimes it's the quality that matters:)
Just finished with a finance exam. Pretty boring and unbelievable that everyone need to be a finance expert and memorise 300 ways how to trade and make money. Hating this fiat system. I do not want to know 9234804 different investments just to outperform inflation and hope for extra returns. Just want to make money and able to save. That's why I am here.. but then what's the point of having a finance degree ?!
There will still be a need for finance experts on a bitcoin standard, so you can think of yourself as getting a head start on your colleagues.
I am conducting a personal experiment where I limit my phone usage to less than one hour per day. Surprisingly difficult!
I've tried this too and found it helpful to remove all the color from my phone screen with the greyscale option. I think apple knows this, though and so they've hidden that option, I can't find it again.
little hack for you 👀 try to do everything on the laptop - I don't touch my phone so much:)
Good habit to catch
‘Looks like you chose the wrong week to quit sniffing glue…’
Hahaha good one
Cowboys and Cowgirls.. today we have improvised the first survey on @SN. Yep! A set of polls to help us understand the relation between Money, Bitcoin and Emotions.
You'd like to help us with your anonymous contribution?

Start here

Only 1h left to complete our survey. Sadly, some polls already ended!
Start here! #388601
Very innovative!
Thank you! Has been challenging to time everything within the 10min. We'll stategize better next time :D
really interesting, but the Qs are quite US centric. 👀
Picked my son up from the childcare centre earlier than usual and boarded his favourite vehicle - the bus - to arrive at the shopping mall near our house. He excitedly climbed up the stairs of the double decker bus. When i was his age, i would be scared stiff to sit at the front row seats, but that’s exactly where he plonked himself. Watching him gesture wildly at the cars in front of him made me realise how children find joy in the most mundane things.
Ukraine sanctioned ?
// WIP ultimately subject to this list: // From lawyers: north korea, cuba, iran, ukraine, syria export const SANCTIONED_COUNTRY_CODES = ['KP', 'CU', 'IR', 'UA', 'SY']
This list isn't being used yet.
Day 28 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 831 sats on 14Jan2024! Running total: 22,098 sats!
each sat counts, happy minning!
Thank you!
I have a dream!
Day 275 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 75 push-ups. (20 - 20 - 20 - 15)
Day 56 of horseposting everyday
Horse Stance: 1 minute (Exhausted today. dealing with something unforeseen. Postponed 4 min attempt to next monday. Traveling till then.)
skipped push-ups. GN.
Awesome sets!
I think I'll have to reinstall a new virtual server from scratch and I don't remember all the things I've done to it over the years. It is a pain. Lesson for today: if you install a custom server manually, write down all the steps and security measures to be able to do it all again in the future.
A personal wiki is a must in this localhost scenarios...
Personal wiki? That's on another level :) I was looking for an app to save simple notes. Maybe a personal wiki is the best thing
Good advice I will benefit from. I'm setting up a personal server very soon. Not virtual, but I'm sure it still applies.
I am considering using webmin on a Debian machine. It may be quicker and easier to maintain but I like to install the minimal necessary things. The most difficult part I think it is setting the mail server. I can understand why people just use Gmail or something else.
Have a great cowboys! My cowboy hat is protecting me from a considerable amount of cold and snow this morning.
Stack Sats and Stay Humble!
Day 25 with the cowboy hat! Yeeeeehaw, what about you?
Hang on to it until it’s a part of your head and unmovable.
deleted by author
Query for our Devs... How many "freebies" does one SN account get? I was under the impression it was just one 🤔. @k00b @kr @ekzyis I'm fairly certain I'm seeing a repeat account posting with the freebie tag in a lot of different places across multiple posts.
I don't remember exactly how long, but it must have been a while since we allowed infinite freebie posts as long as the fee would only be 1 sat. The idea was that they couldn't spam since following posts will cost 10x more for 10 minutes. But there might be a loophole in the fee escalation algorithm since our last update to it -- for example, by just commenting on a different post.
Also, in case someone didn't know: Freebie posts are only visible to stackers who enabled greeter mode. It is off by default.
I was under the impression it was just one
Before our changes to the amount, it was 5 freebie comments and 3 freebie posts (no matter the cost iirc) .
Cheers ekzyis for clearing that up. Appreciate it 👊
69 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 15 Jan
What part wasn't clear yet? :)
Just curious, this might tell us where we can improve.
It was my misconception. I was under the impression (wrongly) that freebies were for the first post of a new account only. I was mistaken.
We all make mistakes and blast through sats. But I think frequent freebies from spammers could be limited by only being allowed one per day maybe?
You are. I turned off freebies in my territories. They post, withdraw sats they earn, then get a free post for a zero balance wallet.
I see. Little loophole there.
It's a big one. My territories were getting flooded with spammy, useless freebie posts until we got the option to turn them off.
I don't want to turn it off if I can avoid it as those freebie posts are providing engagement and content for the territory. If I turn off freebie posts... Does that also prevent freebie comments?
I don't know about freebie comments. I'm really not sure what's best. I guess we have to experiment more.
i ve been running a btc full node on rasp 4 and it crashed twice in 1year and half (sdcard failed)
after a few days of tought ( i was not sur if i wanted to install OS on a sdcard or on a hard drive) i ve decided to test the solution provided by @Turnspit_Dog

reduce writes to SD card

tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev,size=100M 0 0 tmpfs /var/log tmpfs nosuid,nodev,nosuid,mode=0755,size=50M 0 0 tmpfs /var/log/nginx tmpfs nosuid,nodev,nosuid,mode=0755,size=20M 0 0 tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev,size=10M 0 0 tmpfs /var/www/ tmpfs nosuid,nodev,mode=0755,size=10M 0 0
let s see how long it will last and thks again to @Turnspit_Dog
You can also get an industrial SD card.
They last longer than consumer grade SD cards.
Awesome. Hopefully that helps you out.
reposted from last night, I guess not many stackers read it.👀
I'm curious: which LN address ( I mean from which wallet ) did you attach to after the new release?
Iin our first step toward a half-custodial wallet, you can configure autowithdrawals to a lightning address; visit your wallet, then click attach wallets and the rest should be straightforward
I was thinking about which wallet would be the best for it, here was what came to my mind:
a. these sats are kinda public, I wouldn't want to mix them with my private sats. b. Zeus LN wallet fee is expensive. c. I don't want to put too many sats in Blink, as I didn't register the account there. d. If withdrawing them to Alby, I might better just keep it in SN! as both are custodial wallets.
I ended up thinking I might use my Voltage node for it since it's both public, so it is easier for me to sort things out later, and it comes with a handy LN address. 🤔
how about you, did you find a better solution?
It's funny, Natalia. I was going through that last night myself. Maybe that's why I missed your message. I went through a similar thought process with alby. I settled on my own node through Zeus, and did a test transaction last night. Your privacy concerns are valid. I might switch if anyone has better ideas.
GM, siggy bey:) and waiting for the privacy geeks to chip in 👀
where is @ekzyis bey and @davidw bey, this is your time!:)
deleted by author
This is the way!
yes, Blixt is def one of the good options, and more flexible!
I might set one more up for this, using one for my own things atm, but then need to wait for the lower fee to open channels.
Been a while since I was first in… any sign of the snail?
slow Monday! where is everyone?
Holiday in the U.S. MLK Jr birthday.
Excuse my ignorance - I did not know that…
me neither:)
but where are the European and Asian frens?
and I always curious why it seems there are more American Bitcoiners, could it be language advantages? more open minded, or more love for freedom?
Good questions. Why so many of us from the U.S.? I don't know. I look around and see a lot of sheep who want to be told what to do.
Like a blind moose… no idea. (No eye deer)
My daughter would have flagged me for a dad joke if I pulled that one out.
But as dads… we are allowed, indeed have an obligation, to make those jokes.
Actually my daughter has surpassed me. I wonder what have I done?
Keep a dad joke book handy…
‘I don't trust stairs. They're always up to something’ got an airing yesterday..