You can save yourself precious time by just letting them be. Bitcoin will do its thing, with or without them.
Plant seeds, and let them start when they are ready, on their own terms. It may happen tomorrow, in 10 years, or... never, which is fine as well. What is important is that they make the first step when they are ready, not before. Bitcoin is not for everyone, only for those who deserve it, and need it.
Most people would have to get this explained more than once, and still have doubts. That's OK. Bitcoin is so revolutionary, so unique, it's irrational to expect people to wake up from the dream and follow us out of the fiat cave straightaway.
I talk to people about bitcoin, they come back to me after years, usually before a bull run, and ask again to get more clarity. I would set them up with wallet etc, show them the magic, they get excited, but then, some go buy shitcoins, against my advice, some get lazy and leave it for tomorrow (that never comes) because the learning curve looks intimidating, most get frustrated because they don't 10000x in a week and loose their wallet... 😔
They were never ready in the first place!