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Lightning Signing Devices??
This link was posted by benbreen 2 days ago on HN. It received 9 points and 1 comments.
I think if LSD could have saved the world, it would have done it in the intervening time since the 60's.
Imo, the people who administered it (and thus set and setting) were more important than whatever LSD is capable of.
For example, Albert Hofmann does not seem to have a good opinion of Timothy Leary's approach to LSD in the 60s:
CG: I would like to speak with you about your views on psychedelic drugs. To start with, do you believe it is possible to re- establish psychedelic research as a respectable scientific field?
AH: I think there are many good signs. After years of silence, there have recently been some investigations in Switzerland and Germany, and also in the United States. We had a meeting in Heidelberg last year (European College for the Study of Consciousness), and there were many good presentations. In Heidelberg I enjoyed meeting with Rick Doblin (of MAPS) and Professor Nichols (of the Heffter Research Institute), and I think both of their organizations are doing fine work. Their approach appears to be quite different than that of some of their predecessors from several decades ago.
CG: Are you referring to Dr. Leary?
AH: Yes. I was visited by Timothy Leary when he was living in Switzerland many years ago. He was a very intelligent man, and quite charming. I enjoyed our conversations very much. However, he also had a need for too much attention. He enjoyed being provocative, and that shifted the focus from what should have been the essential issue. It is unfortunate, but for many years these drugs became taboo. Hopefully, these same problems from the Sixties will not be repeated.
Further, your comment sounds to me like this:
If bitcoin would be so great, hyperbitcoinization should have happened already in the last 15 years.
LSD was banned within 20 years after discovery. It was declared a Schedule I substance (no medical use).
Set and setting (Sitting?) then can be accomplished by Zen practice Buddhist style without any drug necessary.
Further, your comment sounds to me like this: If bitcoin would be so great, hyperbitcoinization should have happened already in the last 15 years. LSD was banned within 20 years after discovery afaik. It was put on the list for Schedule I drugs (no medical use).
Yeah, the internet makes it hard to 'hear'. The truth about both things is that there is something slightly wrong with both models in the sense of "mass adoption". An exploration of why that is may or may not yield common causes.
Set and setting (Sitting?) then can be accomplished by Zen practice Buddhist style without any drug necessary.
Man, you can go around the world on foot.. But if you have a car( a bicycle even better) you will get there so much quicker and without so much blisters..
Yeah, but what if that car is powered by Microsoft?
Not sure if i follow.. What i meant is you are rigth, you can reach the same state by meditating but you need years of training compared with one hour of wait regarding LSA/LSD/Psilocybin..
It was declared a Schedule I substance (no medical use).
And that kind of perpetuate the ban... Its a shame.
LSD cant save the world. LSD can save people, people can help saving the world.. Its just one more tool.. Long before LSD we had LSA and we havent saved a lot between..