On one hand I find the arguments based on devision of labor very conviencing. I think the first description of this was Adam Smith about Portuguese Wine and English Cloth. This is good for the economy long term and in macro - without a doubt.
On the other hand I think protectionism can lead to more resilient economies since they are less intertwined and more redundant jobs/supplylines.
I thought about this yesterday and can't come to a conclusion.
Ethically, I'd prefer we freely interact. Pragmatically, it's just a decision where there are tradeoffs, and the tradeoffs are context sensitive.
Depends on the country & region.
Some are abundant in resources (Australia)
Others need to import everything (Saudi Arabia).
There arent many that have it all so some degree of globalization will need to continue
Resilience requires the freedom to think freely. protectionism doesn't promote free thought. Or competition ;) does encourage war, however. And requires violence to establish and maintain.