Well look, you basically have two scenarios:
  1. Fee-market driven by regular transactions
  2. Fee-market driven by regular transactions + ordinals / inscriptions
Jimmy is arguing that (1) is healthier for miners than (2).
Scenario (2) should always generate equal or more fees than (1) at any point in time. Both scenarios capture the demand for regular transactions, but in scenario (2) there is occasionally an additional demand driven by the latest NFT / token craze.
Scenario (2) is possibly also more unpredictable (reasonable assumption, but the market is still too nascent to tell IMO).
My problem: Jimmy has made this weird assumption that the increased volatility in (2) will be a net-negative compared to the additional revenue it rakes in. I don't know on what basis he makes this claim. I have yet to see a single miner complain about this theoretical problem.