I think we think too much about miners, I see a lot of people coming with arguments against some technical aspects bc miners have to eat and "security budget". F that. Miners have their own market we can't control it, if they go bust other will take his share, if hashrate drops more miners will come online, I think in a few years many miners will have big contracts with national grids, also some nations might also do mining to secure hashrate for them without caring about profit in usd. We need to think what is better for the whole network and usage, if the network is widely adopted miners will be fine, we don't need to artificially subsidize them.
I'm a pleb through and though but my thoughts seem to be aligned with yours. I can't imagine a world that @petertodd does where we will have to incentivize miners with a seemingly insane notion when it seems apparent that nations, like you said, will mine for themselves profit be damned. I respect peter a ton and I love to read his work but I have yet been able to budge from a hard disagreement when it comes to tail emissions.