So you did read my post yesterday?
I did, but the bar for valuable comments was already too high so I rather zapped the comments that I liked for various reasons [0] than lowering the average value in that comment section
I guess you just didn't have the common decency to leave a comment.
Sometimes it's better to not say anything if there is nothing left to be said :)
[0] For example, because I agreed with them or because they added value to the discussion by providing insights etc. Not every zap is created equally.
Staying humble, like a true stacker.
453 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek OP 11 Jan
Have you seen my longest cowboy streak?
Sir +17 days :)
Maybe we should show cowboy hats in relation to our own streak.
Maybe we should show cowboy hats in relation to our own streak.
That would be pretty cool. It's super hierarchical.
No need to brag. What brought that on?