I use RSS very often, have about 15 sources. Me = Boomer too :) By the way, the reader runs on my Umbrel node. https://apps.umbrel.com/app/freshrss
15 sources?
i have up to 600 sources, including podcasts and youtube channels
I'm a little man. For podcasts I'm using fountain, for YT channels directly the YouTube app.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @9 11 Jan
Would you mind sharing your OPML file?
deleted by author
i made my own rss client that embeds youtube player
this way i can watch my favourite channels without open youtube website
plus, youtube webapp doesn't have a way to organize channels subscriptions into folders and lists, mine does
That's interesting. There are also excellent privacy-focused alternatives to YouTube for both desktop and Android. These alternatives come with their own players and unique ways of organizing channel subscriptions. One such example is LibreTube.