I tend to get high scores on most of those types of smarts. The exception is "music smart". It turns out that I'm musically retarded (I mean that literally, so no one take offense).
what do you mean by musically retarded?
There are tests designed for these different intelligences and I'm like off the charts low on "Musical-rhythmic and harmonic intelligence (“music smart”)"
I don't really trust those tests, like they are standard and dead, yet we are not!
There's plenty of real world confirmation for that result though.
665 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 10 Jan
The exception is "music smart". It turns out that I'm musically retarded
Never played an instrument I guess? If so, you're missing out on a lot
I mean that literally, so no one take offense
you're inspiring mean to create another post
Oh, I took music lessons for years as a kid: piano, guitar, saxophone. I'm just too musically retarded to have developed any comprehension of what I was doing. My hand-eye coordination and dexterity are sufficient to learn a song, but my timing was always poor and I had no sense for what notes would sound good together.
Relatedly, despite years of martial arts training, I have absolutely no ability to dance.