Muun wallet has a unified balance, however it stores all funds on-chain and not on-lightning for a user. So every incoming payment is a splice-out.
Aqua wallet now is doing the same thing except storing funds on-Liquid-sidechain rather than on mainnet.
Aqua seems like the best choice for people wanting the easiest experience but not wanting to go custodial atm. What do you think about this recently launched wallet?
however it stores all funds on-chain and not on-lightning for a user. So every incoming payment is a splice-out
This doesn't make the most sense. Splice-out/ins (and I think you're referring to splice-in for incoming payment?) only apply to funds held in a lightning channel. All funds in lightning channels are anchored onchain, which is how splice works.
Do you mean to say all onchain movements in Muun are performed with splice in/out's?