I'm thinking about founding a parenting territory. Any thoughts from the saloon?
you had my attention 👋🏽 I guess even the non-parent ones can share how their parents raised them - things they had done wrong and right?
I would also love to share the differences I've observed between the East and the West and in Turkey, like I might prefer to be a Turkish kid if I could choose, but be a western parent 😂
sorry for generalization here, but it's fascinating to see the difference and how it affects people in different ways.
Those are all interesting ideas. Don't be shy about sharing your own thoughts either. Amateur opinions are always welcome.
I think there could be a lot of interesting cultural comparison discussions.
I won't shy away from sharing my theory parenting 🤓 and it's nice having a place to ask the experienced ones:)
It's our duty to clear some of the landmines for those who come after.
sounds like OG bitcoiners passing down knowledge to noobs! but history always work like this, people passing down knowledge to help the young ones, but then always have some bad guys trying to disconnect or destroy it.
Excellent. I love giving unsolicited parenting advice.
Hopefully you aren't opposed to giving solicited parenting advice.
Not as fun but I will give it a shot. Haha.
It's a good topic, but are there enough stackers interested in it? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.
Are you interested in it? I've noticed parenting posts have done pretty well, but there haven't been a ton of them.
Maybe I'll read it and take part if there's nothing else of interest, for me of course. You've touched on the right point, I think it might work if there aren't too many posts, but if there aren't many posts you'll be wasting satoshis badly because you won't get the revenue to pay for the territory. As always, I could be wrong.
I certainly don't expect it to be profitable, although it would be nice to not lose too many sats on it. My hope is that it can be a place that ties the SN community together a bit more.
I'm a big advocate for relatively high posting fees, so that might balance out the low volume.
You know I would be a regular lol