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Calling all stackers!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates stackers shared from all their latest work projects.
This weekend I am going into the woods with my dog. Have not had a weekend to myself for many years. I am leaving my computer at home. Taking several books, paper & pencils, my guitar, and will see what strikes me.
i ve started this morning a new meditation technic (duration 80 days without stopping it otherwise i ve to start from the beginning)
School :(
I’ve spent something like 15h this week already tweaking my CoinGrinder PR further. I did a complete rewrite since last week, restructuring the algorithm. Hoping that it’s gonna get some more review soon.
I’ve also spent a few hours on the rewrite of the coinselector_tests into the coinselection_tests suite. A bunch of the old tests broke when we introduced a bug fix. I have been pretty unhappy with the old tests for a while, due to a variety of issues including
  • duplication among the helper functions
  • UTXOs being created per their absolute values and therefore many tests using subtract_fee_from_output to allow reasoning about the expected amounts
  • Other UTXOs being created with a "fee" of zero, which leads to all sorts of unexpected outcomes, because the cost of spending a UTXO cannot ever be zero in production
  • Slow tests due to excessive repetitions both in cases of non-deterministic but also for determistic algorithms where that doesn’t make any sense
Anyway, I finally decided to try and replace the old tests completely. The new tests are based on building UTXOs from effective amounts rather than the absolute amounts. There are some helper functions that remove a lot of the boiler plate code. I’ve already removed 753 lines of code, but added 455 new lines with hopefully the same coverage. It would be nice to wrap an initial draft of that PR up by the end of the week.
I’ll be on the Optech Recap tomorrow again.
Finally I have been spending a couple hours on the Chaincode FOSS program.
Anyway, pretty good week so far.
Getting closer to launching my bootstrapped solo SaaS startup -- By the week-end I'll be ready to spin up the production environment to match what I've been running in staging. Hello doubled AWS bills...
Will be attempting a 4 minute horse stance before the weekend, kinda hyped up for this. My PB which I did a week ago is 3m16s.
Aiming to reach 7 minute mark by block #840,000
Yo, that's hardcore for the legs and butt.
I can notice a big difference in my quads. Not sure about butt.
Just give it a nice slap every once in a while.
This week I wish I had enough time to work on my Bitcoin/Nostr related activities, but sadly I have to work hard on my Fiat mining job. I say, "sadly" because I enjoy much more doing the other stuff even if I'm not being paid for it. Knowing that I am part of something so amazing as Bitcoin/Nostr gives me a lot of motivation, that I lack in my regular job. I hope I will have some free time soon...
Fiat mining for now. Too cold to get outside and do anything productive.. Looking at single digit highs for part of next week.
I run a bell tent hire businessss - trying to onboard some music festivals as cleints
Restaurant menu application https://emporium.atitlan.io !
MEVN stack. Invoices with BTCPayServer Been live for about a year, please don't make an order as it will print to the kitchen. Donations are certainly welcome 👾 (check the bottom of https://atitlan.io )
Feel free to inquire if you're interested!
Ready to scale for the most part, just have to add a few features and improve the menu builder
Heavy fiat mining responsibilities this week. Completing my 5 year strategic recruitment plan for the Dean's Cabinet.
Black ice snow day, so making pancakes for my son!
Studying StartOS to gradually cut out some middlemen.
Working on my faith this year I have something in my heart I know I have to do and will do I don't know how it will be done but the lord works in mysterious ways...I step forward and keep it going knowing the out come will be amazing it's weird I'm not afraid just some days I do to much thinking and the enemy creeps in...
Thinking about what to do to make it grow and increase sales in my virtual store. Don't die of stress trying hahaha. Finish doing a basic yoga course and move on to intermediate. Nice week, month, year for everyone
As the literacy support I/C in my school, I want to be at my best so that I can support the students with dyslexia as best as I can. This week we had full-day classes, which allowed me to determine these learners’ needs. So, to conclude this week, I feel that I need to:
  • come up with a checklist of the symptoms of dyslexia because it affects everyone differently
  • come up with a list of words frequently misspelt by my students (like family, friend, nervous) so that I can teach them how to spell them through techniques like chunking, mnemonics and small-word-within-big-word trick
  • come up with passages that include sight words so that I can see if my students know how to read them in the wilderness
unsure yet.
A mismash, but currently finishing up autowithdrawals to lightning addresses.
Building the core codebase for my disaStr project. The first result of this should be a nostr-based peer system so decentralized protocols can use peers as relays, to avoid having a need for an open port on all nodes, making onboarding more user friendly
working on some new ideas for discovering/growing a territory