Okay yeah that's an alright description of the status quo. I'm sort of done looking at the status quo right now tho lol. I do kinda feel like we've fleshed out all the automated scripting we can to make lightning as easy as possible in its current form. That's why I think its time to start looking at where we're going instead of where we are because I don't think we have any further we can go with what we have right now.
I think I'd like to read your analysis just like you've done here on future scaling solutions that have been presented. You know, if you imagined what a fully fleshed out bandaid wallet would be in the future with a given softfork like how CTV might result in lightning Timeout tree wallets for example.
I liked this podcast episode as an introduction to the idea: #376411
You know, if you imagined what a fully fleshed out bandaid wallet would be in the future with a given softfork like how CTV might result in lightning Timeout tree wallets for example.
I like this idea, may add something new to that whole conversation if people understand how it'll actually help at the end of the day