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Sorry, this post is not about Bitcoin, but about the Lack of Bitcoin, in this kind of events.
CES is the leading exhibition in technology and Bitcoiners should consider introducing technology here:
  • Miners
  • Hardware Wallets
  • Nodes
  • Clocks and Gadgets
  • Speakers
If we want ot be in the mainstream we need to play in their leagues too.
bitcoiners need to set up a temporary circular economy microcosm throughout CES 2025!
Exactly. Bitcoin isn't a company with a marketing budget. That's a great property of Bitcoin but it's also a vocation for Bitcoiners to spread the gospel about Bitcoin. We're bad at doing it right now.
"BuT dOeS iT cOmE wItH Ai-FeAtUrEs"?!!1!1
Seriously, fuck 'em.