All the time. My brain is like a walking jukebox. Put 20p in it play/hum/sing/say a few lines of an earworm and that's me off on it all day.
You know, I think you should have a bad song contest on the music territory. I can't imagine what form it would take, but it might be fun.
i'm curious to work out how that would look, in a fun but not shitty way. music is very subjective and people have their opinions on things, some groups get quite militant about what is and isn't good. i'm not sure i'd want to encourage or even invite the opportunity for people to be toxic about something someone else had submitted.
eg. i submit a track and say this is crap and heres why, but turns out it's your favourite song. i wouldn't want to begin offending people because i'm effectively saying their opinion is "wrong" or "shit" or they "don't know what they're talking about". or it could be interpreted in that way, light hearted banter is difficult to do via a text based forum, tone doesn't come across effectively and i don't want to be inviting that kind of negative discussion to the space. but there is a difference between having a joke and being negative or potentially hurtful.
however having said that, i do think we could have a light hearted bounty post. post the worst song competition? light hearted and the highest zapped submission takes the bounty? that way it's not really about discussing peoples views on the track, it's just kinda not taking it seriously. it will certainly require some careful thought about how to do without getting peoples backs up.
what would we call it? "Shit Song Saturday?" 🤣
Sounds like a plan!
glad to know im not the only one