You young guys have probably never even heard of the guy. Its not that I hate him. He just annoyed me for some reason. He was a goofy bastard. He was incredibly uncool in the midst of the drugged out hippie music we loved. I felt bad when he crashed his plane and died though.
Rocky Mountain High took on. Whole new meaning when he crashed into one
Sure did :)
John Denver you mean the guy who did country roads....and... And... And... Yeah country roads...
I'm sure he did other stuff, but I sure couldn't name anything other than country roads on the spot off top of my head.
That's the guy, and that's his best known song. I went to a baseball World Series Game in Baltimore in 1979. During the 7th inning stretch he came out on top of the Orioles dugout to sing Thank God I'm a Country Boy, a really bad song.
Couldn't name a single track of his other than country roads. But also. It's not a genre I'm hugely familiar with.
Don't go changing. You're better off.