Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Has anyone watched this Fred Kreuger guy? Talk about listening to someone outside the echo chamber. He has a take on the future of bitcoin I have never heard before. Plus, his name is scary.
Wasn't he on What Bitcoin Did recently?
I saw him on TFTC. He's probably making the rounds.
No, it was TFTC. My mistake.
Interesting guy. He knows bitcoin, but he's a rich Wall Street guy. Definitely not of the SN culture, but it's good to get a different perspective.
Seems like just another investment for him but for Bitcoin to be adopted broadly it needs all kinds of folks to be proponents, not just the hardcore folks like us that spend our days on SN or Nostr or Bitcoin twitter.
Let's make a bet.
If ETFs are approved this week, we break ATH before halving.
I will bet up to 10k sats.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 8 Jan
47k 👀
Still over 2k sats/$
Member the end of Fight Club where the narrator tries to fake fatally shooting himself to get rid of Durden?
Thats what the US gov will try to do. It will shoot itself and make it look fatal to try and get rid of Bitcoin and other dollar adversaries.
Bitcoin = Tyler Durden
How will the US shoot itself?
Did you reply to yourself?
It will keep rates high and default on debt causing markets to crash and a depression significantly strengthening the dollar as long as it lasts. But timing is everything. Ride the BTC bullmarket until it ends i guess. Thats all. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
Super excited for this week in Bitcoin. I feel it will be historic for those of us that stack to cold storage. Freeze those stats winter style and sleep like a baby. Avoid the ETFs like the plague
I am hoping this ETF stuff can be finally put to bed this week
Same. Let’s move on and keep building! Lots of work to do to scale!
18 days keeping my hat on, only one more to go for my personal record 💣
I think I'll have to write a plugin for dwm so I can see my balance on SN here:
Currently, I continuously have to scroll up to check my balance before zapping and I think I am the only one who has this problem.
Oh fun!
another 333 problem for you!
Can we get some territory tools? There's like 70 territories now and I can't even tell when someone posts in mine.
is there a way to see what the top performing territories are today? I might have missed this feature if it exists.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 8 Jan
No you didn't miss this feature
muting is already here? 👀
I'm not trying to mute my own territory. I would like to know when posts and comments in it are made given that I'm paying for it.
I guess the current solution is you can mute others, and then all the posts in your own territory would be showing in recent - cutting down the noise so that you can see what you want to see.
or simply keeping an eyes on that page:
but maybe @ekzyis need to build something like a subscribe territory post option for founders?
So I have to mute everyone else's territory to see my own?
I use the PWA, I can't just type in to a single page.
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I can't even tell when someone posts in mine.
I agree, I have the same problem. We're missing this feature: Getting notifications for posts in your territory
Howdy Stackers!
@ekzyis is trying to zap to zero. #380810
I propose we start an anti-campaign and try to zap him to 1M sats instead. Or at very least make his zapping to zero as challenging as possible.
Anyone else in?
53 sats \ 4 replies \ @ek 8 Jan
I predict this is going to be a great failure
Maybe so. Let the stackers decide.
would be kinda funny to constantly zap him 1 sat so he never hits 0
I was trying to zap him late at night to keep him from hitting 0. It turns out he just goes to sleep after he zaps away his last sat and it doesn't bother him at all.
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 8 Jan
I have something special planned for tomorrow's post related to this. Stay tuned :)
33 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 8 Jan
The goal of every stacker should be to fill the front page with only their posts:
This is the next deepest lesson probably: Continue to improve yourself, even if it's just 0.0001% every day.
My (probably totally overambitious) plan is to fill the front page with only posts from me lol.
So far I think the maximum was 2 or 3 posts from me that were at the front page at the same time. And maybe only top 10 should count.
Today I translated DarthCoin's article to German
A father’s empathy
Nothing anyone says, nothing you read will ever prepare you enough to be a father.
Until you become one and are struggling in the vast ocean.
My boy has this annoying habit of playing with his toys before shower time. I get very exasperated with his inexplicable behaviour.
Of course, I wish I can shout at him to shower, just like I bellow at my unrepentant students in my booming voice. But I don’t want the lady boss in my family to have a word with me.
So I bite my tongue. And hold my temper. Which leads to some rather exaggerated sighing.
Tonight, in a rare moment of realisation, I put myself in my son’s shoes. Even though he plays with Lego blocks every day at the childcare centre, nothing beats playing with his toys at home. It’s comforting. Just like how homemakers gobble up Korean dramas. He’s just trying to fulfill his personal KPI before the night runs out and he has to go sleep. 💤
But having this insight doesn’t make parenting easier. Because his desire to play is insatiable. I can make it a point to create more play time for him but he would still delay this and decline that due to his innate need to play.
Which explains why I’m furiously typing this out at 11pm. Because I need to sleep. So does him. Another nightly battle tenuously fought. Gretchen Rubin said it best: the days are so (bloody) long.
Yeah it’s a constant balance but aggression is needed. This idea that the world is calm and we all must get along isn’t true. The universe is chaos and boundaries have to be set. Just like we have to find that fine line of privacy and security the same has to go with aggression and passivity. Need that balance. I rather your son crumble after getting hollering from dad than from some random stranger. At least you are there to show him how to manage such situations in life. Even when they come from you.
I agree with you! I’m trying to save hollering for the really big things though - such as poking a balloon stick at his baby sister’s face. With the other stuff, it feels like I lose if I throw my temper because he cries n nothing gets done n the night gets longer haha. Thx for your perspective
Because his desire to play is insatiable
how about setting up something more fun for him? Like why not play a game with him to improve his shower habits? if he loves to play then let's play 😂
e.g.I would teach you something new or take you somewhere you like ( insert anything he loves but can't get them often ) if you go take the shower right now.
feel free to ignore Natalia's theory parenting
Because it’s just easier to grab him by the shoulders and drag him to the bathroom haha. The trick is to laugh about it so that he will laugh too - even though that is the last thing on earth I wanna do.
sounds brutal, not sure I would like that if I'm a kid again - maybe it works with boys?😂
Don't worry, my wife resorts to that same tactic sometimes.
or just leave him alone? 😂😂😂
okay you do you, I'm off to sleep soon, which means no one would help you with anything:)!
would this too brutal for a kid?
I could have tried this ignoring him tactic but my wife would not be amused. It would be way past his bedtime n he can’t wake up the day after. She is the one who takes him to school before 8.30am haha
curious, did you ever think of homeschooling?
Actually nope. I’m a teacher who works in the public school system. Of course it has its flaws but I think the socialisation aspect is something that is hard to replicate in a homeschooling setting. I like hanging out with people too haha
You definitely don't want to violate the "happy wife happy life" theory of marriage.
The ONE principle that matters
Been there, tried that. Kids are on their own time and have their own priorities. Especially when they're little, that kind of approach might even seem like it's working and then they just randomly get distracted by something else.
@Undisciplined you have no idea how comforting your words are to me - sleep-deprived after my baby girl woke me up at 5. “Kids are on their own time” - simple n profound. Kinda cheesy but I’m feeling grateful for your words. I will say this to myself every day haha
I appreciate you sharing your parenting experiences. I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds them very relatable.
so what would be the solution?
taking notes 👀
Flexibility and patience.
"There are no solutions, only tradeoffs." -Thomas Sowell
the ultimate learning opportunity? learning from your own creation 😂
am I the only one enjoy seeing stackers chipping in parenting hacks, and I'm surprised that there isn't any parenting territory yet
I thought about setting up a parenting territory, but the 100k sats is a risk I m not willing to take at this point in time
For some reason, I thought there already was a parenting territory. I'll think about putting up the sats for it.
I got beaten to ~econ when territories launched and nothing else struck me as being worth founding, but parenting is definitely something I care enough about.
Let's have a drink on the farmers!!! Prost Jungs, viel Glück.
Day 21 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 708 sats on 7Jan2024! Running total: 16,914 sats!
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @sn 8 Jan
In just over an hour (10am CT), we're hosting a Q4 review/Q1 roadmap call along with a Q&A session afterwards.
Keep an eye out for the post in the ~meta territory!
Checkout NostrDevs workshop #10 with Captain Stacks for the Nostr implementation possibilities, Nostr news, updates, projects and progress. Watch the video at
Greg Maxwell has an entertaining theory concerning the large donation to the genesis address we recently saw:
Good Monday everyone!! The week has begun and hope you guys recharged this weekend, a whole new week to show what we're made of, time to strategize our goals and start one step at a time, you've got this my friend. I wish you all a wonderful Monday. May it be filled with success, profit but most of all, love. You're awesome and you're important. Kick rear and keep on keeping on. Let's do this!! Be well and stay frosty!!
Announcing Nick Theile as a TopBuilder mentor.
Nick Theile is a software engineer, working on many projects, including Zaprite. ⌛
Four days left to apply for TopBuilder:
#Bitcoin #TopBuilder #BuildOnBitcoin
Hi there and happy 2024! ... how was the last week? SN seem to keep it strong.
Be sturdy, Cowboys!
Stack Sats and stay humble
And all the children learnin', from books that they were burnin'
what happened to the daily pill? @Lux
405 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 8 Jan
I eat them all ;) The Truth that will set you free
but sharing is caring, share some pills to us!
I wanted to mark my 100 day cowboy hat celebration with a challenge - but that day coincided with a week with my family ( I'm strictly off my phone when I'm with them). I was planning to put it in retro gaming territory, but signpost it from here (to keep the saloon from clutter).
Although I thought it was a good idea (and didn't submit the challenge because of the above) I wonder if any clever stacker could worked out my system (or any non-random system) that I chose to use to determine whether a shot would have been a hit or a miss...
🤠🔫 Can you shoot my hat for 2,121 sats?
Today is a day to celebrate - hitting my first 100 days of keeping a cowboy hat.
What should I do to celebrate? Why, throw my hat in the air of course!
Instead of expecting you to put sats to my hat - I want you to put bullets in it instead!
How do you do it? Just reply 'bang'. How to shoot with accuracy? One og you will work it out and win the paltry 2,121 sats - but your sharp-shooting mind will be the envy of your six-shooting peers!
If I tell you you've won, you'll have the added joy of seeing my hard-earned hat disappear. If you miss - it could be down to the next cowboy to solve this puzzle.
Best of luck! I'll listen for your bangs.
The question remains, will the winner win because they're a gun-slinging sleuth or was it just luck?
We'll see whether the winner can say how they did it...
I'd have given feedback like "too high, you've hit a vulture" or "too low, you've hit a cactus"
There would easily have been more of the former, too high shots than too low ones.
I'm all for pushing the envelope and seeing what fun, off the wall things are able to be achieved using SN.
Though the question remains, is there any bright stacker out there able to work out the system I was going to use?
Congrats. Making it to 103 hat years, is no small feat. @OneOneSeven's century up next.
If I were them I'd one hundred percent stop at their nym #.
By the look of it, it looks like they enjoys puzzles too!
Love puzzles! Yours is interesting, let me think about it.. I made a few with sat rewards via before
I'll try and get my noggin around yours too!
Day 268 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 68 push-ups. (30 - 30 - 8)
🫡 tomorrow is going to be a momentous day!
Quite likely we get ETF approval, timing is too good for this...
If you've nailed those timings... I'm coming to you for next week's lottery numbers in advance. Day 420 with 69 pushups on 100k would have been the dream but we are where we are.
254 sats \ 1 reply \ @mango 8 Jan
Day 49 of horseposting everyday
Horse Stance: 2 minutes x 4 set (2 morning, 2 now)
max push-ups: 30
Back in the routine?
reply :(
Did you at least enjoy your time away?
Yes, although I can't work out if it was a holiday or not lol
How was yours?
One of those… more hard work than working then.
It was ok. Had a couple of days off. Weird weather here at the moment - it’s really wet & mild and makes working outdoors actually more challenging than if we had a freeze.
Oh yeah for sure. I'll take frost over rain annnny day.
ETF approval this week?
My guess is no… and when it comes in the Spring it won’t have the mid-term effect people think..
Sec can't delay forever. I've heard rumblings of an expectation of the 15th. But hell sometimes people put rumours out just to have something to say.
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10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Roll 8 Jan
My node on Raspberry 4 crashed last night, after 1.5y running. So i need to investigate and fix the issue.
Uff... time to look at logs, point to some disk issue.
watched the Lightning Address Workshop from @bitcoinplebdev last night, and it was hands-on, amazing! I have always wanted to learn how to make my own LN address with my own domain instead of relying on other third parties, so I looked into walletano before, but I didn't take the leap somehow; but then after watching the video last night, it seems doable, let's see if the non dev Natalia could pull it off.
and I also discovered a fun tool: lightningpolar, It seems you can play around with the LN network in your local environment, isn't this a great way to learn? you play and mess around to see what's possible 👀🧪
side note: it would be nice if someone could make a video in a hands-on way guiding on how to verify downloads with PGP. cc @ekzyis @davidw
303 sats \ 11 replies \ @ek 8 Jan
and I also discovered a fun tool: lightningpolar, It seems you can play around with the LN network in your local environment, isn't this a great way to learn? you play and mess around to see what's possible 👀🧪
Yeah, I agree! It's a great tool. It's also what we SN devs use for local development :)
side note: it would be nice if someone could make a video in a hands-on way guiding on how to verify downloads with PGP. cc @ekzyis @davidw
Good idea
Good idea
def would zap whoever make it happen HARD 👀⚡️
Nice. @ekzyis go ahead and make that one happen. would be great inside ~security.
But PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy so I think it would also be a great fit for ~privacy ;)
🤔 Mysterious sats where you go - noticing a difference between the Sats raised via this SN post and the sats landing in the redirected account @runraiser. Did I somehow not set it to exactly 100%? Or another reason why 513 sats gone missing. Who can solve the puzzle?
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